Monday, May 14, 2012

The Mormon Gordon Gecko

As I dip my toe back in the shallow 2012 election waters I think it is appropriate to examine Mitt's record as a businessman at Bain capital.  I will leave aside for the moment the fact that he is one generation removed from a polygamist or that his father was born in Mexico (wonder why?). And I will certainly not bring up the fact that he dug up his dead in laws to "baptize" them or that he is actively working to undermine evangelical Christians and has given millions of dollars to spread Mormonism around the globe. Or his profound love of animals.  No, no, today we are going to discuss his singular qualities as a moral business man full of integrity and an old fashioned work ethic.  That is if your work ethic consists of colluding with other rich people to drive a century old business into the ground and fire over 700 people.  As my favorite Christian warrior, Rick Santorum, said,  "Mitt Romney is a vulture capitalists who created nothing."  A few facts about the great businessman at Bain Capital.

-In  1993 Bain capital purchases a steel company that has been in business for 103 years for $8 million.
-The company, now GST trust, issues $125 million in Bonds and pays out a $35 million dividend directly to Bain capital.
- In 1995 GST trust, which has been leveraged to the hilt, and has a debt of $378 million is placed in bankruptcy.  The steel company is shuttered with over 700 workers losing their jobs, health insurance and pension.
-Mitt Romney nets over $12 million out of GST trust

Here is the best part of this deal.  After Mitt and the boys have destroyed a fine American company that produced steel rods so they could get personally rich; guess who had to cover the health insurance and pension cost of the workers?  That is right!!!!  It was you and me, the taxpayers of America who had to step in and clean up after Bain capital put GST in bankruptcy.   What a great businessman Mitt Romney is!

I know how much Republicans hate "government bailouts" and they would never vote for a man who ran a company precisely to leverage it into bankruptcy so the government would pick up the pieces.  Oh well, at least we can be comforted by his love of Jesus and his Christian values........................or the fact that he was seduced by the devil and is in a cult.  Oh, well,  at least he is a Republican!


At May 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Bud: why do you want to wreck this company,

Gecko: because it's wreck able!!


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