Friday, August 14, 2009

The Anger Class

"Am I bugging you?"
"Don't mean to bug you"
"Ok edge, play the blues"

Why are the people who have so much so angered by those who have so little? What is it that they fear? That their flat screen television will be taken away from them or that they will have less time to spend on facebook and giving us live twitter updates from Costco? Where is this anger coming from? When I watch Glenn Beck, or listen to Rush I wonder why are people so angry? It it because we such an unbelievable easy life that people like to make-up problems and complain? Can you picture ancient Rome and the real housewife's of Rome complaining about the quality of the wine while people starve at the gates? Maybe......
The health care debate is a joke, if you can afford health care you are angry about change. But think deeper, why can you afford healthcare is most likely because you won the parent lottery and were born in a power position in this country. You were raised by two loving parents who gave you all the advantages in life and you have lead a life of ease. I won the parent lottery, do you have the guts to admit that you did as well? So, I pose my original question, why are the people who have everything so upset?


At August 14, 2009 at 10:10 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Political punditry whether it's olberman rush hannity or madow or oreilly gets people angry...people do watch sometimes to get angry on purpose! Everyone who is born in America has a huge advantage over the rest of the world and there are differing degrees of advantage within..,for myself and almost all my friends got the huge advantage....and we must give back through providing educational advantages to those less fortunate

At August 14, 2009 at 11:14 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Question? Have you or anyone you know read the 1,100 page health care/insurance care reform bill put out by Obama and his administration????

At September 30, 2009 at 11:28 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

Hadn't checked this in a while, Matt. You do pose some great questions. I won the parent lottery, too. I would rather go without some things if it meant that others could be healthy or get good medical care, as Ted Kennedy so keenly pointed out. Also, thought about if we deny good preventive healthcare to the less fortunate, couldn't we all potentially suffer from their illnesses by contagion, costly ER visits? Health is not just for the wealthy.

At September 30, 2009 at 11:29 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

P.S., What about your R&R site? Would love some LA Roadrunners updates!


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