Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Mountaintop

"I may not get there with you, but I have been to the mountaintop."
-Dr. Martin Luther King
Today, like millions of Americans, I watched history being made as the United States of America peacefully transferred power to the 44th President of the United States. This is a day that I will tell my grand-children about. I was most moved when Obama came out to be sworn in and he stopped to hug an original Freedom Rider, Congressman John Lewis. If you think about what John Lewis has been through, beaten and jailed in Selma, denied due process of law, forced to go to a segregated school, ride at the back of the bus, eating at separate lunch counters, and put in the hospital for marching with Dr. King, it is an unbelievable change in our country. He is a living reminder of the belief in non-violence, standing up for a cause, and shedding blood for his fellow man. What must have been going through his mind as he watched Obama take the oath? How many of us have the courage of our convictions? How many of us put our faith and belief into action?
I was also struck by the tone of Obama's speech. He did not come to gloat in his victory, instead he came to tell us to put away our childish thoughts and words, leave the bitter rancor behind, and celebrate that we are all in this together. He invited an evangelical pastor, a gay bishop, a poet, and classical musicians. He thanked President Bush for his kindness during the transition, kept an even and somber tone, and acted like a serious adult who is ready to take on the challenge of the Presidency. If you love your country, you must pray for our new President. Pray that God gives him wisdom, pray for his judgement, pray for his family. Patriotism is not wearing a flag pin, patriotism is the respect you give to the commander-in-chief. Christianity is not going to church on Sunday, Christianity is extending love and compassion to those who disagree with you.
We do not choose our parents, we do not choose the color of our skin, we do not choose our given name or the country of our fathers birth. But we do choose what we do with our life. We choose how we respond to history unfolding in front of our eyes, we can choose to judge people on the content of their character, not on the color of their skin. We can choose happiness over anger, hope over fear, love over hate. We can pull together as a country and choose to support our new President or we choose to spend eight years tearing him down. The choice is yours........


At January 20, 2009 at 8:06 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

Man, Matt, I could not have said it better than you just did. This is a day that will live on in my memory forever. I agree that we have a choice right now, to support our President as he deals with some of the most difficult issues that have ever faced a President. He expresses love, understanding, patience and empathy. He is an inspiration not only to all people of color or race, but also to young people. I would love to see this new generation who supported him become the generation of "service." Service to the poor, the uneducated. the sick, the elderly and all those in need. If they can do that, they will make America a better place to live, and for themselves, the incredible feeling of doing unselfishly for others. The giver receives so much more than the receiver. God bless our wonderful America-Denise

At January 20, 2009 at 8:14 PM , Blogger Paula said...

Beautiful thoughts, Matt, and I heartily agree with everything you said! I have been riveted to the TV today and yesterday and have been VERY moved by such a great, historical event as today.
To watch footage from the 60's racial movement, to hear King's amazing "I have a Dream" speech and then to watch Obama being inagurated today was very moving to me.
Jeff and I will definitely be praying for our new president as he tackles the enormous job that lies ahead. He has already shown grace, compassion, clarity and courage on this amazing day.
Love you, Mom

At January 20, 2009 at 9:06 PM , Blogger Pauly said...

You're going to have grandchildren?


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