Monday, November 3, 2008

Victory lap

I am writing this at 9:30 on election eve to get a real-time post on election eve. I am so proud of my country, who will be electing a kind and decent man tomorrow. I will always remember January of 08, as I curled up by the fire in Mammoth, when Obama won South Carolina, and my political guru, (Riley D-Manhattan Beach) said, "well enjoy it." In his mind he felt that it was not possible that Obama could beat the Clinton machine in the Democratic party. He believed that the Clinton machine would ultimately win out and HRC would be the next president of the United States. I argued vehemently that we are in a new epoch of American politics. We are a post-racial society (thank God) where we all know people of a different race or a mixed-racial background. Society has changed in a remarkable way since 1968 (see civil rights act) and in 40 years we are about to elect the first African-American candidate of the 21st century! God Bless the United States of America!


At November 3, 2008 at 9:57 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I am not making my comment to demean or undermine your enthusiam. But I am not an advocate of calling an election until the people of the United States of America have had a chance to vote. I do believe election day is Nov. 4th. Your blog post is Nov. 3rd.

Love ya, Susan

At November 3, 2008 at 11:27 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Suze... Something tells me if you had a blog and it was the night before the election in 1984, you may have just written a post about how proud you are of your country, you might have even called it a "shining city on a hill"

At November 3, 2008 at 11:40 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Not!!! Got to know when to hold em' my friend. love ya, susan

At November 4, 2008 at 7:40 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

Matt, I am moved to tears by your blog. Today is such an historic day. In the first of many days, I awoke praying for our country. I prayed that God would put into office the candidate that he best felt would lead this country in this time of major challenges. I prayed, of course, for Obama, for his wisdom, gentleness, leadership, ability to think before he speaks, to see the global effects of his decisions, but always to put America first. I prayed for McCain and all that he has done for our country, in war and in service to the Senate. I prayed that he would know that he is loved by the nation, even if he does not win. I prayed for Sarah, yes, even for her. As a woman, it is very exciting to see the impact that a woman can have on a campaign, to be able to bring some humanness and zip to the campaign. I may not agree with her, but I am a woman and I am ready to see a woman in the White House in the near future--a qualified woman. I prayed for Joe Biden and all that he has done for our country, through all his family tragedy, his common man approach and history.

In my heart, I know that Obama is just the man the country needs. He will surround himself with wise men and women, hopefully with Republicans as well.

And, yes, Susan, you are totally right about not calling the election until it's over. I just feel like tonight is Christmas Eve and I hope I wake up tomorrow morning with the present that I asked for. If it is not Obama, then it will be McCain and we as Americans will move on and support our president. It's a great country.



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