Monday, November 3, 2008

Sports and Politics

We are going to break new ground today on my blog. For the first time in the history of this blog we will deviate from politics. I want to lead off by saying congratulations to my sister-in-law, Tasha Riley, on the completion of her first MARATHON! It was an incredible and inspiring day in Santa Clarita as the entire family came together to celebrate Tasha's accomplishment. At the after party, at the Riley house, I was gazing out at the foreign luxury cars and taking note of the various bumper stickers placed on these cars. We had Obama/Biden, we had McCain/Palin, and curiously we had a Nobama sticker. As I walked in the house to grab a cold one I was struck with how sports and politics do indeed have a common thread. They both involve the unknown and thus allow the observer to form his own theories and opinions of what will happen. They both include setting a goal (getting elected or completing a marathon) and require dedication and hard work. In sports and politics you are setting yourself up for potential failure or embarrassment and dare to dream big. Tasha set a goal for herself over a year ago, trained hard, and pulled off the greatest physical accomplishment of her life. (besides
childbirth-thanks Jeff) So, as I was gazing at the bumper stickers on these high end foreign made cars I was thinking to myself how much time and energy people spend on politics and how much ANGER their is in the political process. At the risk of sounding like Dr. Phil, I have to ask, how is that working for you? We are the most prosperous country in the history of the world and we will transfer political power in a peaceful, law-abiding way. We have nothing to fear from our government, we are allowed to practice whatever religious beliefs we have, we have the best military in the world and people are literally dying to get into our country. The Riley/Trenton/Nespor/Jacobs families have all been incredibly blessed. Life is all about perspective and whatever happens tomorrow will not influence how you live your life or the relationships you have with people. Life will go on no matter who you vote for. If politics is making you a happier, more loving and compassionate person than I encourage you to continue to listen/watch as much political T.V. or radio as possible. If watching political coverage stirs up negative emotions such as anger, bitterness or resentment than I encourage you to take a break from it all. Turn off talk-radio, mute O'Reilly or Olberman, don't click on Drudge, and remember what is important in life. I love politics and I am just as guilty in getting caught up in the us versus them mentality that permeates politics as anyone. So, how do sports and politics come together? We are all one team, we are one country and we will all be proud of our new President. Hey, the Raiders lost on Sunday, Obama might lose tomorrow,(but I doubt it) but I will still get up in the morning knowing that I live in the greatest country in the world with the best family I could have! I am so lucky to have the family that I do and to be able to live the life that I have! So if you are for McCain or for Obama just remember that who you are and what you value in life has nothing to do with politics. Life will go on, and I promise, no gloating tomorrow!


At November 3, 2008 at 6:21 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Well said amigo. Looking forward to a GREAT weekend.

Serenity Now...out
The Capt.

At November 3, 2008 at 6:46 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

I am totally with you, Matt. I agree with Wednesday morning being the day that I will celebrate being a proud and committed American, be it McCain or Obama that wins. We are so blessed to be able to freely vote for the candidate of our choice. I will never forget being in Athens, Greece in 1973 when the people went to their polling places to vote. The soldiers were standing at the entrances to vote holding machine guns to ensure that you would "vote" for Papadapolis. The birthplace of "democracy" exhibiting little that we know about true democracy. God bless America (and our families). I have relatives on my side voting for both parties, as well. Wednesday morning I will love them all just the same. So important to be a graceful loser. Loved this blog and especially the parallel to Tasha's training for the marathon.

At November 3, 2008 at 7:07 PM , Blogger Paula said...

This was a beautiful post, Matt! I'm proud of everything that you said and loved your analogy between sports and politics.
It WAS a great day...with alot of love and all of us pulling together for Tasha's accomplishment.
What made my mother's heart especially proud was your encouragement of Tasha by running the last eight miles with her! Being there for someone and giving encouraging words can mean everything.
Hugs and love, Mom

At November 3, 2008 at 8:22 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Very good post indeed.....none of our lives will change in any significant way no matter if McCain or Obama is elected is important to remember that, and to keep everything in perspective...(but it is gonna be historic when our new president elect gives his speech tomorrow at about 10 o clock


At November 3, 2008 at 11:36 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I have often thought of the comparisons between sports and politics. Everyone has their favorite politician and their favorite sports team. When your team is in the heat of the battle and an ump/ref makes a bad call we are all over them. The High School person comes out in us as we scream and yell for the ump/refs head to be taken and to kick the bum out!! Much the same when a rival team comes to town and the rival teams fans turn up at "our" stadium to root on their team. The heat is turned up, big time. But at the end of the day it is just a ballgame in the bigger scheme of life.

So here we are in the waning hours of a hard fought battle. In 24 hours we will most likely know who the next President of the United States will be. Your blog today and the points you made were very well stated however I may not agree on everything you said (had to say that). Your part about family was especially touching and I could tell it was straight from the heart. It was awesome, Matt.

I have enjoyed the challenges and dialogue that your "doletoobama" blog has brought out in so many. It has been challenging, thought provoking, crazy, maddenning and wild to say the least. I must say that I never thought I would be debating you over your voting for a Democrat. And now in recent weeks Garrett comes out for Obama!! Yikes!! Where is the Anacin when I need it. In a million years I never would have imagined that the majority of my family who have held such Conservative values for the better part of their lives would be voting for a Democratic as President!! It is stunning to say the least. But so it is!! I guess that is what makes this great country the greatest country on earth........the freedom to choose. May God continue to bless us and continue to bless the United States of America. May Freedom ring!!!

love ya, Susan

At November 4, 2008 at 11:37 AM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Well said Admiral. Happy Birthday.

The Captain

At November 4, 2008 at 2:48 PM , Blogger Sandy said...

Matt, I have to say this is the best blog you have written. We ARE so very fortunate to live in this country and blessed to have the love from our families.
WE missed being with Tasha yesterday, however so glad everyone was there to celebrate with her and really, a special thanks to you for "helping" her along when she really needed it.
Love, Sandy and Joe


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