Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Prss Conference in Prime Time? Just watch out for the swine flu

I'm back........................
Ah, it feels so good to blog again. I am back in the bunker watching Obama's press conference live and will be reporting on my thoughts and observations live as I watch the press conference. No matter what your political leaning, you must give Obama credit for having the guts to go live in prime-time to answer questions. Take it from someone who used to take questions daily in front of an audience whom would love to see you fail or say something stupid, it is a tough job!

5:00 The President enter and begins talking about swine flu: What happened to bird flu? Mad cow? The killer bees? The British Bulldogs?

5:01 Is Helen Thomas still part of the press corps?

5:07 "It it time to close the border with Mexico due to swine flu?" The first question is on the swine flu? How about the economy? Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan?

5:11 Just saw Helen Thomas in the front row-still looking hot!

5:13 How nice to have a President who speaks in complete sentences and uses big words!

5:16 A great question on waterboarding and torture-Obama and McCain agree, it is torture.

5:26 Yes-get out of Iraq! Bring our troops home! What are we fighting for again in Iraq? WMD?

5:33 How much class does Obama have for not gloating about Arlen Spector?

5:35 Obama gives a great answer for why he is pro-choice. Note how he said he is not going to create a straw man, did you hear that Jeff?

5:38 I just got a shot of Major Garrett. I remember seeing him in person (not long after we met the great Tim Russert) at a Howard Dean event in New Hampshire. Good thing the pancake make-up is working for him.

5:44 The question is immigration reform- What, Obama wants to work with McCain??? I thought he "hung around terrorist." Did Palin lie to me???

5: 53 "Shareholders looking to get out" I thought Obama was a socialist? Hmnnn? Obama does not want to take over the auto industry?

A thoughtful, articulate and refreshing press conference.

If you were at this press conference, what would you ask President Obama?


At April 29, 2009 at 7:07 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

I would ask about space exploration...increased funding for stem cell research...are there plans to overhaul NASA make mars a priority... Increased funding to fight cancer...massive funding to replicate the miller Urey for the lhc in CERN just for starters.

Or maybe I just might ask him if America was founded as a Christian nation :)


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