Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Empire Strikes Back

Well, it looks like my predictions are about as accurate as a Steve Sax throw to first. I did not want to watch the news this morning and hear about the "grim determination" of HRC, it was enough to make me cry into my Cheerios. The Clinton death star is still operational and intends to fight all the way to Denver. I really believed that the Obama mission of hope and optimism would defeat the dark ramblings of Hillary. I guess we did not know how much poor women love seeing a 60 plus woman answer the phone in a pants-suit at 3 a.m. How else can you explain Ohio?
The good news is that Obama still has a significant delegate lead and will get the nomination. He must hit Hillary hard and keep the pressure on her. He must raise three issues:
1. tax returns
2. schedule as first lady
3. Donors to Clinton library

If Obama can keep the pressure on her and the media picks this up she will be forced to put out all three items. We will see Bill's dubious foreign connections, her amazingly light schedule following the health care debacle, and a list of donors full of convicted felons. As a top Obama campaign manager told me (Riley-Manhattan Beach) all Hillary has too do is make a COPY of her tax returns. The idea that she has to "get them together" is nonsense. This setback will make Obama a better candidate for the general election in November. One final question- is grandad still registered in Ohio?


At March 5, 2008 at 1:07 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

This is the best post yet...Steve Sax 1983 references...and references to both "Empire" and "Jedi" very very funny......I want this race to go on between the two of them because it is entertaining

At March 5, 2008 at 4:47 PM , Blogger bob riley said...

I'm not sure I can take 7 more weeks (or longer) of this drama. I hope Obama follows your advice and comes out aggressively. Maybe you could write an op-ed piece for the Times.

At March 6, 2008 at 2:21 PM , Blogger Mark S said...

Michigan and Florida "Re-Do" and undeclared super delegates "hang" in favor of the Dark Side.

At March 6, 2008 at 6:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Matt, great Empire Strikes Back analysis.
Did you hear a Hillary spokesperson coming out today saying that Obama was using "Ken Starr tactics" in pressuring her to release her tax returns.
How does pressuring her on transparency issues during a run for the democratic nomination relate to a Congressionally sanctioned investigation into White Water dealings and White House scandals? I hope this talking point gets slammed. Ridiculous!
I also heard a Texas insdier saying that after caucus and primary results are calculated that Obama takes Texas. If Hillary can't cling to a Texas victory after all the pandering, what do you think she'll do?

At March 6, 2008 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

It's still amazing to me that Mrs. Bill Clinton picked up 3 states the other night. And to take both Texas and much. However at least she didn't win the caucus in Texas. If there is a way for Clinton to win trust me she and her operatives (Bill being number 1) will find a way, legal or not. They are about as slick as they come. I cannot believe that the 3 a.m. ad really changed things around for her in 3 days. But some people like to think that they will be taken care of from the cradle to the grave, no matter what. I like your idea of the 3 thing's that Obama should be in her face about. I heard today that when she was running against the Republican candidate for N.Y. Senator that she was constantly on him to release his tax returns. In fact it was said that she or her operatives sent someone to every one of his rally's in an Uncle Sam outfit to drive the point home of his not disclosing his returns. NOW here she is playing the game. My understanding is that she only has to turn over 2007 returns. If that is the case we all know that she probably cleaned them up once she knew she was going to be running. We shall see. Her schedule as first lady is a good one because she never really had one. The only thing I can remember that she did in 8 years was the failed health plan that went down faster than a shooting star. And the donors to the Clinton library and " massage parlor"is another good one. But I have a feeling the donors that would make them look bad are probably where Jimmy Hoffa is :).

If Obama comes out swinging it could back fire on him but if he does it with a velvet hammer I think he will make some really good headway to K.O. Clinton. Hit her hard on all 3 of your points plus more about her lack of experience. Then she won't have to worry about making 3 a.m. phone calls!! love ya, Susan

At March 7, 2008 at 11:33 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

I am so glad that finally I was able to access your blog again. Had only read the first one and could not figure out how to get there as I had only saved as a "favorite" your initial blog and then kept going back to only that one. Enough, I figured it out with your help tonight. Thanks. Oh, my gosh, you are good! You could be writing for Bill Maher, which by the way tonight he was a hoot. I love your political wit, Matt, and the way you zero in on the most salient issues.

Shame on you, Hillary, yes, shame on you! I am outraged (certainly not surprised) that you would start by agreeing that Florida and Michigan wouldn't count, then as you show losses, inferring that the public has spoken in those two states and the votes should be counted; even though your own party has deemed the primaries void. Changing the rules to suit your own gain. Gee, does that remind me of your NAFTA support and endorsement (during your role as first lady) and subsequent denial of support when it suits your campaign? You were right, Matt, when you referenced her Machiavellian tactics. She is totally without scruples. She will do anything to win: even trash her own party's other candidate, by saying McCain and she have experience and Obama does not. As Maher said, it's like saying that if you don't vote for her as a Democrat, your choice should be the Republican, before her Democratic opponent. I agree that Obama needs to become the velvet hammer against Hillary. My fear is that his scruples may be too impeccable for him to stoop so low as to mudsling against a fellow Democrat.

Let justice and honor prevail.


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