Friday, March 7, 2008

Some states are more equal than others

Obama will get the nomination. He has won 28 states and should win this Saturday in Wyoming. He won Texas and picked up seven delegates, yet the Clintons and the media keep telling us that Hillary has a real shot at the White House. The Clintons have repeatedly said that Hillary has won all the "big states." Once again we have selective reasoning in the Clinton camp, it does not matter if you win in a large or small state, all that matters is the delegates! Obama has the lead and it is almost impossible for Hillary to catch up. The only way she can get such a large margin of votes in the remaining states is if her campaign can spread false rumors about him. For example, they might say,he does not say the pledge, his Dad is a Muslim, he wants to get sworn in the Koran, he dresses in foreign clothes. But who would believe such drivel? Surely we are too sophisticated to fall for such baseless allegations and would teach our children to judge people on the content of their character. These e-mails would never get passed along.........wait, would they? Hmmn........


At March 7, 2008 at 8:39 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Let me guess, are these the same people who believe in "Sugarcandy Mountain"?


At March 8, 2008 at 11:17 AM , Blogger Mark S said...

So this takes us back to the Dark Side theory (Al Gore having invented the internet and all). Spooky.

At March 8, 2008 at 3:31 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

The Clintons are without a doubt the spinners of all time. They will stop at nothing in order for Hillary to become the nominee and then the move their "stuff" back into the White House. Just when one thinks she is down for the count she get up and goes another round. The comment she made in the last debate about the press always asking her the first question was another one of their tactics to have the media back off with the negatives on Clinton and go after Obama which they did. Obama has to go negative, somewhat on Clinton. He needs to attack her on all sides. I do think that she is beatable but Obama has to be 2 steps ahead of the next Clinton attack. He could really score some points if she continues to not be forthright and hand over her tax returns. love ya, Susan

At March 17, 2008 at 1:05 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

Looking forward to your next blog. In a Times article today, Hilary's campaign rep said that Obama was just trying to deflect attn from him to her regarding the divulging of her tax records, contributions, et al. Hey, wait a second, he HAS already shared his. She is the one holding out on this basic commitment to be "above board." They are so devious.


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