Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So, where did you get your information from huh?

In my younger and more vulnerable days I tried repeatedly to get Jeff Jacobs to read John Milton's Areopagitica. This fascinating work should be read by every American who values are open and democratic society. Aeropagitica is an essay that convinced the Catholic church to allow freedom of the press in pre-colonial England. Before this time, the church did not trust people with information and would routinely edit essay's or destroy them as to keep people in the dark. Milton argued that humans had a fundamental right to know all sides of an issue and be free to make up their own mind. This idea was taken up by the founding fathers as they traveled to the new land and trusted humans to read, think, discuss and debate without the filter of the church. Milton argued that God created man with a mature, reasonable mind that would not be influenced by a secular or evil ideas and the church did not need to "protect" man from the works of man. In other words, if you are a Christian you do not need to shield yourself from ideas or thoughts that differ from your ideology. In fact, Milton stated that a true Christian with real faith would welcome debate and would seek to know what the other side thought. He argued that to purposely limit yourself from information that runs counter to your beliefs only serves to show how tenuous your beliefs really are. I have always tried to look at both sides and look at events from all angels. When I voted for Bush twice I still attended Michael Moore movies, listened to Air America and actively debated my friends and co-workers who voted for Gore or Obama. In those days, I mostly watched Fox News but would still watch MSNBC and especially Chris Matthews. So, I was repeatedly dumbstruck when I brought up current events to my extended family that were pro-Obama and they looked at me with a blank stare. They had no knowledge, no idea, or literally had never heard of what I was talking about it. I was shocked so I decided to conduct my own little experiment and watch Bill O this evening at 8:00 on January 26, 2010.

As everyone knows, the biggest political story of the day was the criminal and atrocious behavior of four men who attempted to bug the phone of a United States Senator. This is domestic terrorism on our soil and all four of these men could spend up to four years in jail. These disgusting humans are heroes on the right for taking on acorn for "illegal" behavior and showed the world today they are just pitiful hypocrites who belong behind bars. So I eagerly tuned into Bill O to see what he would have to say about these lawbreakers. I tuned in a little early at 7:47 and Gretta was talking about it so I could not wait to see the righteous fury that Bill would unleash on these traitors. But guess what? HE NEVER MENTIONED IT! He had an entire hour and he choose to ignore the story entirely. I watched the crawl on the bottom of the screen and it never came up. I was honestly shocked that Bill did not bring it up. After he pounded Acorn he did not have the balls to admit that the anti-acorn operation was lead by a bunch of thieves? I thought Bill was "fair and balanced." How could he not mention it? Is he trying to shape how his viewers think? Is it possible that he only spoon feds you the news you want to hear to bolster ratings? No, no, that can't be it! So here are a few topics that Bill did find time for in his hour-long show:

1) Obama is moving to the right
2) How the spending freeze is a big lie
3) How smart Bill is for predicting all of it
4) Newt Gingrich on to call Obama Jimmy Carter
5) Nancy Kerrigan's dad
6) Tim Tiebow being pro-life
7) Can we get Americans who are pro Al Qaeda
8) Some blonde saying "George Bush kept us safe" (conveniently forgetting 9/11)

If you choose to willfully not pay attention to the news than you get what you deserve. True patariots always question where they get thier news from, after all, that is what the founding fathers wanted.


At January 26, 2010 at 9:18 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

I am surprised there wasn't a story on O'Reilly about teen "sexting"

I did a quick scan the online news sites are not putting the break in as the most important story of the day...Latimes.com, politico.com MSNBC.com are the only ones that had it and at 9:00 tonight latimes.com gave it mid billing below the Toyota Recall...politico gave it mid billing underneath the healthcare headline and on MSNBC.com it was almost hidden...it was not on CNN.com or , and of course not foxnews.com

At January 26, 2010 at 9:36 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

The most important for Political News big guy.

At February 6, 2010 at 8:17 PM , Blogger Pauly said...

What you're addressing is slowly becoming one of the major flaws in American democracy(besides corporations now being able to completely own candidates).

Problem: Americans don't read or have any attention span for civil and intellectual analysis/debate. Cable news has devolved into mindless entertainment from the left and right.

If you are and avid reader of world and domestic affairs, you are labeled as an "Intellectual Elitist". How can that be a bad thing? Yea, those smart guys are the problem, what we need is more ignorant followers of propaganda- more sheeple.

How many Beck watchers actually read "Weekly Standard" or "Wall Street Journal", which are both very respectable journalism outlets even if you don't agree with their premise?

I'm slowly becoming a supporter of voters taking a political/world history test to determine how much of your vote will count based on your score. Maybe then these cable news shows will focus on educating their base with facts and not fear. The stereotype of us as the ignorant Americans around the developed world is not something to be proud of any more.


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