Monday, March 17, 2008

Hillary Clinton # 1 with old racist hags!

I have been busy this last week blogging about the upcoming season of the Hills and have not been paying attention to politics at all. Anything happen this week? Ha ha! What a week it has been. Let us recap:

1. The governor of N.Y. is forced to resign due his involvement with a prostitution ring.
2. The first women ever be put on a national ticket for V.P. calls Obama "lucky" to be black.
3. Obama has proved so teflon, they are going after his pastor.

I love that they are attacking Obama's pastor for his "extreme" views. It reminds me of the movie the Untouchables where they can't get Capone on murder, racketeering, gambling, etc. and the get him on tax evasion. (1st mob reference for those keeping score at home) So lets take a look at a few things my pastor told me when I was growing up:

1. The world will most likely end before the year 2000. This is because Gorbachev is the anti-Christ (note the mark of the beast on his forehead) and 1999 could be turned upside down to produce the number of the beast.
2. Evolution is a lie
3. God loves you so much but if you reject him he will throw you in a lake of fire and torture you for eternity.

These are just a few examples. I love all these people who are "outraged" at Obama's pastor comments, did they not know about Romney's religion? Don't get me started on the "magic" underwear.

What can you say about the comment that Obama is lucky to be black? This comment is so outrageous coming from Hillary's camp. I guess we don't realize how hard Hillary has it these days. She was able to carpetbag her way to N.Y., run against NOBODY in her primary race, and beat Rick Lazio in a state with a 2/3rd Democratic voter advantage. After winning one re-election campaign she was deemed the front runner of her party because her husband used to be president. We forget how "lucky" Barrack is to have such a common name, have no connections, and can't live of his spouse. He sure was lucky to be abandoned by his father and have to earn everything he had in life. It would have been much harder to marry a gifted politician and ride his coattails to the white house. Poor Hillary, she has it so hard.

Obama is set to give a big speech tomorrow on race. This could be his Kennedy moment......


At March 17, 2008 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

"What is that which gives me joy?---Baseball...a man is nothing without his team."

---Robert De Niro from Untouchables

Did Obama go after his pastor with a bat? haha, maybe in private.

In the spirit here are a few things that I heard from my pastor(s).

1. Catholics are going to hell
2. Every living animal on earth fit on a boat (it was a really big boat though)
3. The reason why women have labor pains is because a talking snake convinced a woman to eat an apple that she was told not to eat.

At March 17, 2008 at 9:32 PM , Blogger bob riley said...

Glad to see you back on the blog. I was wondering if you were taking 6 weeks off until Penn or just waiting until Florida held their next primary.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's speech. I agree, it could be a defining moment in racial and religious terms. I hope he speaks with conviction and insight.

We just finished watching the second installment of the HBO special "John Adams". It's incredible to think that they had the courage to speak their minds and rebel against England. Makes our politics seem tame in comparison.

At March 17, 2008 at 10:41 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I think that Obamas speech tomorrow is a HUGE turning point in the Democratic race. You can bet your boots that Clinton is hoping for a strike out in Obamas speech tomorrow. Obama needs to come clean with, as he calls him Uncle
Jerimiah. There is no way that Obama and his wife were a member of the church for 20 years, had both of their daugther's baptized by the Rev. and NOT have heard some of his hate the white people and hate America speeches. It is just not believable to think that he did not hear this type of phenom. We all change our views over the years and perhaps Obama has distanced himself from the Rev. but he is going to have to hit a grandslam home run tomorrow to convince the American people. He has nowhere to hide on this one as the Clinton machine is in overdrive and will try to bury him on this one. Love ya, Susan

At March 18, 2008 at 10:20 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

I was just entering your blog and had just read what you wrote when Dad came home from yoga and said Obama was giving his speech.

Well, WHAT A SPEECH! To coin Susan's well said phrase, "It was a grand slam." It was his best speech, yet. He addressed the race issue handily by speaking from his heart what many of us think or believe or say in real life. He addressed the difficult issues with real candor and courage. It was time for all of this to be said. I do not believe that Obama wants to make this a campaign about race, but about issues. He has been forced to address the race issue and it was only a matter of time.

It will be interesting to see the spin the other candidates put on his remarks.

By the way, I loved Matt's and Garrett's comments about what their pastors have said. We cannot forget that many unkind and false statements have been said from the pulpit about what God is or stands for.

Thanks for your inspiration and candor, Matt,


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