Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A few predictions before I go

Obama is up by 12 points over the crypt keeper (hold you fire A.A.R.P. members, I kid) and just raised over five million dollars in one night. Things are going fine for Obama as McCain tries to play the Jimmy Carter card. Jimmy Carter? How much is he paying these clowns? Jimmy Carter is the best they could do? This campaign looks like it will be much worse than Bob Dole's in 96. As most of you know I am leaving for a long awaited backpack trip on Friday and will have no phone, T.V. or Internet. So, while I am off the grid, here are a few predictions from Mattstrodamous.........

1. McCain will repeatedly confuse Sunni and Shia and forget where he left his car keys.
2. Hillary will debut a new look for summer, go on the view and tell Babs that she too wishes she could have an affair with a "married African-American senator."
3. Al Gore will gain 15 more pounds
4. A former Bush aide will criticize the President and be denounced by the same people who thought he was a genius.
5. Bush will once again almost choke to death eating snack food.
6. Gas will hit 5 bucks a gallon and politicians will tell us we need more drilling, not more public transportation.
7. Jeb Bush will look at W and let out a long, painful sigh.
8. Chelsea will come out of the closet
9. More Americans will die in Iraq, Republicans will tell us we are winning, and nobody can define "victory."
10. Obama will be up by 15 points when I get home!


At June 25, 2008 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Of course we need more drilling, more refining, and the like, this can be done in ways that are enviornmentally friendly. We can do this AND we can continue to build more roads and freeways, we can do both! Heck we can even invest in flying cars or teleportation....what is wrong about wanting more drilling? We have public transportation in all of our major cities. In the eastern cities like Philly, Boston, NY, Chicago, cities that are condensed, people ride public transportation everywhere. In LA where we have a giant sprawled metropolis, we also have public transportation, its called the metrolink. I would like for it to stop in front of Staples, Dodger Stadium, The Hollywood bowl etc.

Are you for more construction near the beach where you live to accomplish this, or should the beach be off limits....the NIMBY argument (not in my backyard) Would you like to hear the roar of the rail going down Pacific Coast Hwy, along Santa Monica and on up the coast?

Wouldn't this impact the beach just like the San Onofre toll road? And aren't your reasons for wanting more light rail construction the same as the people that want the toll road.

Why is construction of light rail good, but more highways bad?

I argue they are both helpful

At June 25, 2008 at 9:49 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Allow me to touch lightly and counter you on your 10 points of what will happen while you are on your week backpacking trip.

1. Obama will once again mention like he did in Oregon, May, '08 that over the last 15 months he has traveled to every corner of the U.S. He quoted that he has been to 57 state with one to go. Huh? Perhaps he will travel to 59 states.
2. HRC will announce that she and Rosie O'Donnell will spring out a new line of bride/bridesgroom outfits for the upcoming gay marraiges.
3. Al global warming Gore will top his 221,000kwh of elec. (more than 20 times the national average) and top his $30,000 a year utility bill.
4.Former Bush aide that critized Bush is found to have a chip on his shoulder for not be a trusted confidant therefore making millions for himself by writing a book on "poor me."
5.Obama will once again try and kick the nasty habit of smoking.
6. Gas will hit $5.00 a gallon. Anwar and it's 19,049,236 acres will sit there with it's petroleum rich environmnet while we continue to be dependant on foreign oil with $10.00 a gallon looming over our heads!! CRAZY!!
7. Jeb Bush will look at Pres. Bush and say you are the "real deal", thank God.
8. Chelsea will announce her engagement to a "man" before years end.
9. More Americans may die in Iraq but victory has been defined.
10.To use the old cliche of Yogi Bera, "it ain't over till it's over." Oh so true. People live by the polls and die by them too. Just look at N.H. this year when Obama had N.H. locked up and HRC came out victories. It's a long way to November.

Have a great trip to Gods country. We are disappointed that your Dad will be unable to make the trip. I pray that he will search out the best possible treatment and solution for getting rid of the calcium and plaque around his heart. This is my understanding of what is going on from Dennis who spoke with your Dad tonight and what your Dad told him. Love you, Susan

At June 26, 2008 at 9:41 AM , Blogger Tasha Riley said...

Enjoy you trip and try not to think about all the things that you are missing on The View!

At June 27, 2008 at 1:03 AM , Blogger Garrett said...

Mccain confusing Sunni and Shia kinds reminds me of another politician who thought there were 57 states.

At June 27, 2008 at 1:39 AM , Blogger Pauly said...

Big Gar,

So you think it's OK to drill for more oil? Why? Do you think that the best way to help a crack addict without crack is to find them more crack to smoke? The solution isn't finding more crack, it's changing their need for it.

America has been uniquely built on a model of high consumption and urban sprawl. Peole here live in extremely large houses that are very far from where they work. It takes a lot of energy to heat/cool those McMansions and to fuel those 12 mpg SUV's they drive 50 miles in to get to work. This model was based of cheap oil, which is now over.

Drill for more oil? Since the beginning of the earth(I'll let you and Brett debate when and how that was!), the natural world was allowed to function perfectly in balance. In just over a century, the indrustrial revolution has almost completely obliverated that natural balance. Suburban sprawl and cattle farming are the two most damaging and inefficient operations man has ever created, the first by far being meat farming.

Anyway, it's time for us to rethink our development plans, be more effient, and use way less energy as a society. Drilling for more oil is like giving us one more hit, but we all know where that ends up.

To me, there's more value in open and free wilderness than cheap gas, more sprawl, and more cattle can offer.

You know, people have made snide remarks about the size of our condo only being the size of their garage. Or question how I can fit my surfboards in my car. Or even how I can stay "healthy" without eating meat. Literally everyone we know complains about how their 1500 sq. ft. home is too small, or how they "need" a four door Tundra to take their family to the beach.

Big Gar, do we really "need" another hit of oil? Do we really want to live in a world without naturally wild places?

I don't.



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