Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where have you gone John McCain?

I have to write one more post before I leave on how the old McCain has transformed himself into just another liberal-bashing fearmonger. It is sad to see the transformation of a candidate who campaigned the right way in 2000 trash his own "maverick" style and appeal to our worst instincts. John McCain is now stumping against two bills bearing his own name! He now oppose his own previous attempts to reform immigration and campaign finance reform. Let us take a look at John McCain's political "beliefs."

1. As a congressman supported Rove V Wade
2. Opposed Bush tax cuts
3. Publicly compared Abu Ghraib and Gitmo to the techniques of the Spanish Inquisition
4. Opposed drilling of the Pacific coast and repeatedly voted against drilling in ANWAR
5. Publicly took on the Bush administration for waterboarding and called it torture
6. Described Jerry Falwell and other evangelicals as "agents of intolerance."
7. Stated he would never release pictures or use his image as a P.O.W. to get votes.

So who is John McCain? For one thing he is a canny old goat who knows how to play the game. After Bush clocked him in 2000 McCain retooled his image for 2008.

Consider the following:
1. Solidly pro-life
2. Wants the Bush tax cuts to be permanent
3. Torture? No problemo
4. Drill, drill, drill! (translation- win, win, win!) He wants to drill off California (and was booed for this at a Republican dinner in Santa Barbara) and drill in ANWAR
5. Not a peep on this one, no complaints
6. Listed noted clown Joel Osteen ( a televangelist who tells people that God wants you to be rich) as the author that inspires him. Publicly begs for Pastor "Catholicism is a whore religion" Hagee to endorse him before the Texas primary.
7. Used images of him as a P.O.W. while telling a story about drawing a cross in the dirt on Christmas day.

McCain realized that to win this time he must tap into the deep vein of fear that is splitting America's psyche. He must convince voters that only he can beat back the forces of 60's radicalism and social relevance. Only he can continue on this seemingly endless quest to crush the mythical leftist revolution. I can recall the reason why so many people hated Clinton in 92 was because he constantly changed his positions and you felt he would say anything to win. People said that a man who constantly changes his positions has no character and is only driven by the latest polls. I wonder if Bill Clinton ever campaigned against two bills that had his name on them? hmnnn...... This would bother me but I am more worried about what Obama's pastor will say this Sunday, wait a sec, that is meaningless because it does not affect policy! Silly me!
P.S. the money is still out there......


At June 26, 2008 at 8:50 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Matt, Barack Obama is shifting his positions towards the that he is in a general see that is what politicians have to do to get elected. In 2000 McCain was running in a republican he is in a general election. Obama's statement today regarding the gun control ruling was a marked shift from a previous statement, the reason he is doing it is to hopefully not alienate rural voters and thus have a greater chance of winning the election...So while you make a good point about McCain, don't you see that Barack is doing it too? Here is a quote from a time magazine article....

Then Thursday, after Justice Scalia released his majority opinion knocking down the city of Washington's ban on handguns, Obama said in a statement, "I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms, but I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures. The Supreme Court has now endorsed that view."
John McCain's camp wasted no time in attacking, with one surrogate, conservative Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, calling Obama's gun control statement "incredible flip-flopping." McCain advisor Randy Scheunemann was even tougher in a conference call Thursday. "What's becoming clear in this campaign," Scheunemann said, is "that for Senator Obama the most important issue in the election is the political fortunes of Senator Obama. He has demonstrated that there really is no position he holds that isn't negotiable or isn't subject to change depending on how he calculates it will affect his political fortunes."

Both John McCain and Barack Obama do this. If you are Alan Colmes you will ignore when Obama does it and only focus on when John McCain does it. If you are Sean Hannity, you will ignore when McCain does it and only focus on when Obama does it.

I hope you guys have an awesome time on the hike

At June 26, 2008 at 9:03 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

I love how you pick one, again one, variation in Obama's policy and than write about this. Why not respond to what I wrote about? I did not write about Obamas policy on gun control. I wrote about a fundamental shift in John McCain. This is like your previous post where YOU pick an issue and disregard EVERYTHING ELSE IN MY BLOG! Are you afraid to address McCains position, his massive flp-flops,especially on the evangelical movement? If you want to write about gun control, do it on your own blog!

At June 26, 2008 at 9:16 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

I said on my comments above that you make a good point about McCain, so I have addressed the topic of your blog......I don't like that he changed some views of his, and I especially don't like the fact that he vacsillated to the christian right...but when you are a POLITICIAN unforturnately you have to make these decisions. I bet there are people that Obama has to cozy up with that make him grit his teeth....Obama is a great inspirer of people and maybe he will inspire people and improve the country, but so far he has flip flopped now on the public funds and gun control.....Those I can think of off the top of my head...I could probably google search more if I wanted to but I won't because I want to get back to watching "Lost Highway" So far Obama is acting just like all politicians in carefully crafting what he says. So my point again is that McCain isn't the only one who has changed their position. I wasn't talking about gun control. Gun control happened to be the issue of the day.

Things bother me about McCain yes, does ANYTHING bother you about Obama?

At June 26, 2008 at 9:23 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

No, nothing bothers me about Obama! I think he is the second coming, wrapped up in the divine savior, who was sent to save us all. Obama is perfection and I will name my first child Barak and my daughter Michelle.

At June 26, 2008 at 9:28 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

That is the classic Garrett and Matt Riley Brothers sarcasm...I love it!!!!!!

Pray to Barack and the health of his Ethopian Grandmother when you are on the hike, perhaps the Grandmother can be an intercessary to Barack himself who is the second coming of Christ.

At June 26, 2008 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

First of all I never take sides as far as blogging goes. I listen to both sides and then make my feelings known. Let's face it politicians are politicians. They do what they have to do to get elected. I do recall the Rev. Jeremiah Wright saying that Barack is one way when he is sitting in the pew and quite another when he has to be a politician. Much the same for all trying to kiss their parties b-hind to get the votes. The bottom line is who's b.s. are you going to vote for. They all want the power and do whatever it takes to get it. After they have won the real person steps forward. Love ya all


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