Tuesday, March 23, 2010

That damn liberal elite is making me spit out my Big Mac

I really hate it when the government tries to regulate giant corporations in the interest of the public's health. I am an American and I have a right to be as unhealthy as I want to be without some liberal sticking his big (wink wink) nose in my business! I don't need "big brother" telling me that smoking causes cancer or some sort of "socialist" government telling me how many calories are on my cheese fries. What's next, are they going to force me to wear a seat belt or regulate how fast I can drive my car? Well excuse me mister, this is the USA, not the U.S.S.R. This sort of regulation just makes me sick to my stomach. To think that our elected leaders can force restaurants to do something that they don't want to do is anti-American. I was at a real-estate restaurant conference last Thursday and the representatives from El Pollo Loco were positively giddy with the upcoming change in law as they had positioned themselves to benefit by offering lower calorie menus. It sounds like communism to me! The next thing you know we will have some sort of government program that has a phone number you can call in case of an emergency and they show up and help you. I am sick of it already. What happened to the rugged individualist in this country? I think we are all just a nation of nambie pambies calling up the government to help us when our house is on fire or we get robbed. Why should the government look out for the people and encourage them to lead healthy lives?
So today I open my paper and find out that the radical BHO (has anyone seen his birth certificate lately?) has FORCED chain restaurants across the nation to post calorie counts on their menus. Oh, the horror, the horror. They even went after the vending machines, buffett's, drive-throughs and alcoholic drink menus. It also requires restaurants to provide consumers with the amounts of sodium, carbohydrates, fiber and protein in each serving of their food. You know what, I bet this was all his wife's idea........since she really hates America. This health care bill will be the end of civilization as we know it!


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