Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Drive-by media

Rush has coined the term "drive-by media" to point out how the media often jumps on the most obvious and surface level of a story and instantly forms an opinion. Now the media and the conservatives are going bonkers because of the "hate speech" put out by Obama's pastor. Obama's pastor is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. The United Church of Christ has a membership that is over 90% white! Here is a man that has given thousands of speeches, and we are judging this pastor by a few soundbites. We do not know who this man is, we do not know the content of his character, we do not know about his service to our country, and yet we make snap judgements about him. Do I agree with the comments that Obama's pastor made? No, of course not, but I also do not agree with the anti-Semitic comments made by Billy Graham, nor do I agree with Reverend Falwell's comments that 9-11 was Gods way of punishing America.
I speak in front of teenagers everyday. If you taped everything I said in my classroom you could pull out a few soundbites that would wildly distort who I am and what I believe in. As Rush constantly reminds us, it is dangerous to be part of the drive-by media.

One last point-is Obama's pastor running for President?


At March 18, 2008 at 10:41 AM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I agree the drive by media will take a pimple and make it into a boil in a New York second. But keep in mind the majority of the media are liberals, i.e. CBS,NBC,ABC,CNN and MSNBC. They have been in Obamas camp over Clinton for a long time. So why would they want to give Hillary a leg up and further her quest for the nomination, deosn't make sense. Also I disagree that it is just the conservatives that are in hysterics over Obamas assoc. with the Rev. Jerimiah and the comments that he has made in his sermons. I think anyone regardless of political affiliation would be offended by his remarks. Just as you point out the offensive remarks made over time by other well known preachers. Having said that I watched Obamas speech this morning. I felt he did a pretty good job of explaining his feelings. And I was happy to hear him say that he was in the pews at different times when the Rev. made the remarks that we have heard. He said while he did not agree with his remarks there were other things that the Rev. said over the years that helped him to grow. All in all I think he did a very good job of telling it like it was and is. The quick snapshot by the media (Fox news as well) feels that there still could have been more said to denounce the Rev. comments but it was sufficient enough as to no have the controversy linger on and on. Let's see if Hillary feels the same way.

Love ya,susan

At March 18, 2008 at 5:32 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

That is absolutely correct about Billy Graham, he talked with Richard Nixon about how frustrating the jews are and denounced them and stereotyped them....yet all the presidential candidates are never called out on the association with him. Also any bible believing pastor believes that anyone who hasn't accepted Jesus as their personal lord and savior is going straight to hell. What more narrowminded bigoted position can you get. But all pastors get a pass on this.

I will say that the pastor made me feel uncomfortable, but Obama did the right thing and that's all he needs to do...and the world moves on.


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