Dan Quayle suddenly looks like a heavyweight
Holy geez! What in the world is McCain thinking by picking Frances McDormands stand-in from Fargo? This woman is a heartbeat away from being the commander-in-chief? She potentially could take the over the most powerful army in the world. A women who was the mayor of fiddlesticks Alaska just three years ago? The internals in McCains polls must show him way behind for him to go for this hail mary. Here is my breakdown on this amazing pick:
1. Clearly McCain's camp feels they can move the disgruntled Hillary voters by playing up the historic chance to vote for the first female V.P. She already praised Hillary and Gerldine Ferraro (this must make Susan ill) in her first speech as the nominee. However there are flaws in this thinking. The Hillary voter is an unique animal and I do not think they will go for Sarah Plain. Why?
A. The Oprah theory
When Oprah gets skinny her ratings fall. When Oprah is fat her ratings rise. Why is that? Women in America love the fat Oprah who can't stop eating bon-bons but feel threatened by the skinny Oprah, they don't relate to her. The Hillary voter was an overweight, angry women with short hair and bingo wings. Am I saying that this women is too good looking to relate to your average Hillary voter? Yes, I am.
B. Pro-life/anti-choice
Most Hillary voters feel that abortion rights are just as sacred as the right to order a grandslam breakfast from Dennys at 3 a.m. They feel that the evil, bad, conservative men (can you say daddy issues?) have some magical control over their lives and abortion is a way to take control of their lives. They will never vote for a woman who is pro-life.
C. The military
The Hillary voter feels that Hillary was tough and aggressive and had foreign policy experience. They would hold up boxing gloves as a symbol of Hillary's toughness. This woman, with her streaked hair and cute demeanor just looks too nice to get into it with the joint chiefs, let alone the ref at her kids soccer game.
So those are my theories about this pick. I did not know who this woman was two hours ago as I suspect most of America did not know. She might be a phenomenal pick, she might fall flat on her face. We just don't know and that is what is so fascinating about politics.
P.S. Granpa McCain turned 72 today. Do you think they timed this pick so they could downplay his age? hmmnn..........