Friday, August 29, 2008

Dan Quayle suddenly looks like a heavyweight

Holy geez! What in the world is McCain thinking by picking Frances McDormands stand-in from Fargo? This woman is a heartbeat away from being the commander-in-chief? She potentially could take the over the most powerful army in the world. A women who was the mayor of fiddlesticks Alaska just three years ago? The internals in McCains polls must show him way behind for him to go for this hail mary. Here is my breakdown on this amazing pick:

1. Clearly McCain's camp feels they can move the disgruntled Hillary voters by playing up the historic chance to vote for the first female V.P. She already praised Hillary and Gerldine Ferraro (this must make Susan ill) in her first speech as the nominee. However there are flaws in this thinking. The Hillary voter is an unique animal and I do not think they will go for Sarah Plain. Why?
A. The Oprah theory
When Oprah gets skinny her ratings fall. When Oprah is fat her ratings rise. Why is that? Women in America love the fat Oprah who can't stop eating bon-bons but feel threatened by the skinny Oprah, they don't relate to her. The Hillary voter was an overweight, angry women with short hair and bingo wings. Am I saying that this women is too good looking to relate to your average Hillary voter? Yes, I am.
B. Pro-life/anti-choice
Most Hillary voters feel that abortion rights are just as sacred as the right to order a grandslam breakfast from Dennys at 3 a.m. They feel that the evil, bad, conservative men (can you say daddy issues?) have some magical control over their lives and abortion is a way to take control of their lives. They will never vote for a woman who is pro-life.
C. The military
The Hillary voter feels that Hillary was tough and aggressive and had foreign policy experience. They would hold up boxing gloves as a symbol of Hillary's toughness. This woman, with her streaked hair and cute demeanor just looks too nice to get into it with the joint chiefs, let alone the ref at her kids soccer game.

So those are my theories about this pick. I did not know who this woman was two hours ago as I suspect most of America did not know. She might be a phenomenal pick, she might fall flat on her face. We just don't know and that is what is so fascinating about politics.
P.S. Granpa McCain turned 72 today. Do you think they timed this pick so they could downplay his age? hmmnn..........


At August 29, 2008 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Wow, Matt I remember when you SLAMMED me when Obama first came on the scene and I referenced Obama in a light that you didn't like. Now YOU slam a women that by your own admission you just learned about 2 hours ago calling her the mayor of fiddlesticks Alaska. Then you continue on about women. Saying that "women can only relate to a fat Oprah. Hillary voters were overweight, angry women with short hair and bingo wings. Women won't vote for a good looking women". Is there a pattern I am reading in your message??

I, too do not know much about Sarah (by the way it isn't Plain it is Palin). Both she and Obama do not have much experience. However I would rather have a person one heartbeat away from the Presidency or President that has been a Governor of a State than a Senator that simply casts votes. Yes, yes I know that Biden, McCain and Obama are all Senators. The difference is that Biden and McCain have been in the drenches of the Senate alot longer than Obama. You must agree that Palin and Obama don't have lengthy resumes in politics. But again I would rather have a Governor who has had to make tough decisions in running a state.

From the little I have heard and read about Sarah Palin this morning she sounds tough as nails!!
She may look like the sweet soccer Mom but I could tell by the way she carried herself in her speech this morning and what she was saying that she is not going to be pushed around by anyone. I cannot wait to see the debate between she and Biden. My gut is that she will chew him up and spit him out. I wish there was going to be more than one V.P. debate. It will definately be more exciting to watch than the debates between Obama and McCain.

Love ya, Susan

P.S. BTW I didn't throw up my breakfast when Sarah complimented Ferraro and HRC. It was a glass act. After all, these are historic times.

P.S.S. I am still waiting for someone to tell me why Obama is referred to as the first black Presidential candidate. His Mother was white and his Father was black. So why not say he is a White Presidential candidate. Confused and baffled in San Clemente.

At August 29, 2008 at 4:26 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

As always you can throw out emotional arguments but let us look at the facts.
1. Yes I slammed you when changed Obamas name and called him Barack Osama. Osama Bin Laden murdered a friend of mine and I take it personally, as I know you do when someone links a mass murder with a kind and decent man. Call me crazy but I don't think calling someone the mayor of fiddlesticks is the same as childishly smearing an individuals birth name!
2. It is a FACT that Oprah's ratings go down when she is skinny and rise when she is fat.
3. Did you not watch Hillary Clinton's supporters? I have seen fitter women tailgating in the Raider parking lot.
3. Yes, I call a town of 9000 people fiddlesticks. Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities on this one. You said Obama lacked experience because he was a state senator for 14 years representing 600,000 people. Perhaps if he was the mayor of Mammoth you would count his experience.
4. I worked for a woman, and still do, who ran for congress, remember? Don't think you can get me on that one.
5. You also accuse me of forming an opinion on someone I had never heard of two hours ago, yet you said "she is tough as nails." If you knew who this women was yesterday I salute you because I sure as hell didn't.
6. Glad you supported Hillary and Ferraro!
7. Ain't politics fun! Remember this blog is supposed to be fun and lite, even Republicans can laugh!

At August 29, 2008 at 5:54 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I lost 2 planes of flight attendants and pilots on flight 11 and 77 on 911 so I would will never forget as well.

I never watch Oprah and never really paid much attention to HRC women supporters.

I don't think a population of 6,000is chump change. I think Mammoth is around 7,000 and I don't consider it a fiddlestick town. And I am certainly not sensitive about the size of any town. I really don't think being a Senator is that grand of a thing to be honest with you. They promise the moon to get elected and then don't represent the people of their state as promised. This certainly is not the case of ALL in the House and Senate but a large portion for sure.

Whatever do you mean about getting you on the women thing??? Perhaps you missinterrupted what I said.

I actually had heard of Sarah Palin. But I will admit I didn't know much about her.

Never said I supported HRC or Ferraro I simply said I thought it was classy that Palin paid tribute to them. Unlike the Obama campaign that came right out of the chute and had a nasty response to McCain pick. They have since retracted but the message of how they felt was loud and clear.

I know this is fun, educational and we should all know that we are not out to offend or hurt anyone, just having some good dialogue in this election year.

Still waiting for someone to answer my last P.S. on Obama.

love ya, Susan

P.S. I am thinking congrats are in order for your condo closing, right??

At August 29, 2008 at 6:36 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

1. town-home not condo
2. I agree about Obama and the black/white issue. He should be refereed to as the first multiracial candidate. However, there is a historical and legal precedent that stated if 1/16th of your blood was of African origin you were considered black. In the years preceding the civil rights act of 1964, years you and my parents were alive, Obama would be denied basic human rights in regards to housing, banking, medical care, nutrition, education, military service, entertainment, due process and even whom he could marry! It is mind-blowing how far our country has come.

At August 29, 2008 at 9:57 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

My Internet has been down all day long, but now I am back. Yes I was and am still surprised at this pick.

The pros for McCain camp is that she can complement McCain's image as a Maverick outsider, who goes against the wishes of his own party even when it cost him politically. A good case can be made that she is also an outsider, and not just that but someone who by all appearances is not a "career politician" and as such can "help reform Washington" That is what they are going to run on

The cons are that this undercuts the "lack of experience argument for Barack Obama" The other con is the fact that it looks like she used her power to fire a state employee who was mean to her family member.

But the biggest thing this pick does is excite the Evangelical loons who care about being cruel and discriminating to gay people, and not allowing a woman reproductive freedom. Palin is an arch-conservative and I can see the bible study hens clucking about how "it's so neat that that Palin chose to keep her baby even when it had down syndrome"

So for me personally, this does not make me more excited about voting for McCain...I am a fiscal conservative, and very much a social liberal...I would have loved Joe Lieberman, but oh well...The loons are too looney about abortion.

Also I caught this at the end of her speech, it seemed like Palin was saying to McCain, "Did I do OK? Gee I don't know if I did or not" I could see her body language, her shoulders dropped and her face did as well...maybe I was reading into it too much....Also she could have had an joke like, "I know what you are all thinking! Who the heck am I?" But instead she kind of rattled off her family members and said that her husband has the record snow mobile time...oh yah you betcha!

Makes me want to see "Fargo" again

At August 31, 2008 at 11:06 AM , Blogger Sandy said...

I am going to vote for Obama. Zach

I am going to vote for Obama, too. Kevin

We love you Uncle Matt.


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