Monday, August 4, 2008

Are we troubled by the man who attends church of the man who fakes attending church?

"I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstance."
-James Dobson January 2007

What had Dobson so upset with McCain? We all know Dobson is a man of God and will ALWAYS stand by his word so we can count on him sitting this election out. The following quote from McCain is what got Dobson so upset"

"I think gay marriage should be allowed if it's a ceremony kind of thing, I don't see anything wrong with it."
-John McCain

Well, heavens to besty! If you believe in your convictions you must follow Dobson's advice and sit this one out. Once again, for all of you who were so troubled that Obama has attended church for twenty years, here is a few facts about McCains "Christianity."

1. McCain talks more on the stump about green technology than he does God or religion
2. When McCain was asked if he was an evangelical christian he said, "I attend church."
3. McCain did not attend church in Arizona until three weeks ago!
4. McCain has never been baptized
5. McCain listed his religion as Episcopalian but now attends a baptist church in Arizona

Now, I personally believe that McCain is an atheist and should just come out and tell the American people what he really believes. The unfortunate thing is if he did that he would lose the election. So, the American people get treated to a non-stop show of how important religion is to the candidates life, even if the candidate does not believe in God. Does anyone ever get tired of this make believe or do we like believing in Santa Claus? So, are you more troubled by the candidate who attends church regularly for twenty years or the candidate who fakes attending church? Which is more troubling to you as a voter?


At August 4, 2008 at 4:34 PM , Blogger Brett said...

I guess I pretty much don't care about either.

At August 4, 2008 at 4:36 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

I absolutely agree that John McCain is an atheist. In "The God Delusion" Richard Dawkins talks about this very thing in American Politics. Polls show that an openly gay candidate with a strong faith in some sort of deity would have a better chance of being elected than an atheist.

Pretty hard to believe in a god when you are sitting in a vietnamese prison camp and knowing that a god supposedly has the power to free you, 5 1/2 years of thinking about that subject and any logical person must come to the conclusion that either 1. God can't help him 2. God doesn't want to help him so then God is either impotent or cruel, which is it?

Anyways got off on my favorite tangent.....I wish we lived in a country that is like Jeffersons "wall of seperation between church and state" where any sort of religious views are personal and private. Oh well.

You should hope Dobson continues his, gay and abortion on demand fearmongering, it will do nothing but help Barack!

At August 4, 2008 at 9:24 PM , Blogger Pauly said...

Actually, I'd be more troubled by the man who attends church concerning politics, that is if he was sincerely a whole-hearted believer. You can't blame a candidate for pretending because the media would eat them alive. I agree with Alyssa M.'s new boytoy, church should be personal and not brought in public service.

PS - I just got a "bro" deal on a couple new JC's and will try to post a video on MySpace next weekend, you should check it out.

At August 10, 2008 at 3:07 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I find them both offensive. However I would have to say that I have a bigger problem with someone sitting in a pew for 20 years listening to a preacher who says such things as God Damn America, the U.S. invented the Aids virus and the Sept. 11 attack was our fault. Before you say that Uncle Jeremiah isn't the only one to spew such hatred and absurd sermons, I realize that. It just so happens that we know about Wright because of Obama running for the Prez. love ya, Susan


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