Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Brittney and Paris

Today McCain puts out an attack ad that shows Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton and criticizes Obamas celebrity! This is the reason that I am writing this blog! Who in the world is running these ads? This is the best they can do? Let's try to compare a U.S. Senator and former president of Harvard law to Brittney and Paris? Are you kidding me? McCain is going to run negative against Obama, we all know he has to do it to, but comparing him to these no talent pieces of white trash is off the wall. I can't even write anymore because my mind is so frazzled by the sheer ineptitude of his campaign! I guess they felt comparing him to Lindsay Lohan and Denise Richards was going too far. Where have you gone John McCain?


At July 30, 2008 at 9:54 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

I like the Ludacris song that supports Barack...can you stream that one on your blog?

At July 30, 2008 at 11:30 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I agree that whoever is running McCains campaign should be sent out to pasture. However I truly believe that the only reason that they are able to get away with such a rubbish ad is because Obama has not been able to widen his lead in the "almighty" polls that most seem to cling to. There is going to be so much "stuff" coming out on both sides in the remaining 3 months that it is going to make our heads spin. Can't wait to see who their V.P. picks are going to be. It's going to put alot more drama than there already is into this election. Love ya, Susan

At August 6, 2008 at 4:15 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

The best part is Paris's response and her own campaign ad. Actually, her suggestion on the energy/oil crisis is not a bad one. However, I am not so naive as to think she wrote any of it. But, it is funny. Love, Dee


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