Tuesday, July 8, 2008


In the 1980's many Democrats were drawn to the soaring rhetoric and sunny optimism that Ronald Reagan exuded in his campaign speeches. This group of Democratic voters, drawn by Reagans well-crafted words, crossed party lines and voted for him in droves. These voters came to be know as "Reagan Democrats." We are currently seeing in this elections cycle a new group of former Republican voters who are similarly drawn to the hopeful and buoyant words of Obama. These Republican voters are known as Obamacans. One must ask why so many Republicans are going to vote for Obama in the fall? I am curious to hear from all who comment on my blog as to why they think Repubs are voting for Obama. It is interesting that so many smart, successful, intelligent people (ex. Bob Riley) are going to vote for Obama. I want honest opinions and theories expressed in the comments, not talking points or attacks on Obama. I have my own opinions on this, but I am too close to see it. So, I welcome all thoughts and comments as to why people are going to vote for Obama.

The people of Iraq demanded a timetable for U.S. withdrawal today. We came to Iraq to install democracy, the people voted, and they want us to leave. Do we leave or does the white man know better than the Iraq people? Hmnnn......


At July 8, 2008 at 11:27 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

(the following are my opinions and mine alone) The single biggest reason is there are so many people who feel betrayed by the Bush Administration, and the Iraq war. There are other reasons as well and I think some of them are.....1. the natural inclination to "throw the incumbent bums out" (natural cycle of politics) 2. The fact that Obama is an exciting charmasmatic candidate, and people naturally want to be a part of that excitment because it makes them feel good

So that's what I think.

At July 9, 2008 at 11:52 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

I think one of the things that makes Obama appealing is he seems to want our input as Americans. I feel as though I can have a say in what can happen and a willingness to work for and sacrifice on behalf of others. It reminds me of the enthusiasm one felt for the country back in the 50s and the early 60s. We want to feel good about our country and be proud to be Americans. He evokes interest in working together to solve problems. I am not sure how he is going to accomplish this, but I am hoping that there will be opportunities for regular citizens to serve on task forces with feeder input to our national elected officials. Great ideas do not have to come only from people in power or elected officials. Just some thoughts...... Denise

At July 9, 2008 at 4:23 PM , Blogger Pauly said...

I agree with the big guy. Bush has made many people reconsider things. If Obama tried to run pre-W, we wouldn't even know his name.

At July 9, 2008 at 11:04 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Not to sound redundant but I have to agree with Garrett with regard to people growing tired of the war. People tend to like the quick fix.......................get in, get out and do it NOW!! It doesn't happen that way. Whatever party happens to be in office at the time pays the price in the next election. That plus the fact that alot of Republicans are less than thrilled that the party has nominated McCain to run on the Rep. ticket. He is a far cry from a true conservative and has ticked off quite a few party loyalists with his voting record in the past. That coupled with the "gravitas" of Obama could have some thinking that a new generation should take over. However I honestly haven't paid alot of attention as to how many Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Independants, etc. are going to be abandoning their party to vote for someone on the other side. Alot of people talk about it but we are a bit away from the Nov. 4th election and ALOT can happen along the road to election day. I think the V.P. selections by the partys are going to play a big part in how people really vote when they step into the voting booth or drop their absentee ballot in the mail. Time will tell. Love ya, Susan

At July 10, 2008 at 7:43 AM , Blogger Brett said...

At the root - I think Gar has nailed it on the Obamacans. There is no doubt that independents or non-committeds might be swayed by other things. Many might like him because he is young. Many are impressed with stage presence. Others simply like his policies. But for those who voted for W and are now turning to Obama - it has to be understood under the context of being let down and frustrated with their party. Or perhaps it is as simple as the Reagan Oracle declared it to be so.

At July 10, 2008 at 4:40 PM , Blogger bob riley said...

The "testing" was to see if I could actually remember my password before I put too much into this one. Now that I've mastered that little technicality, here goes:

I believe the movement of Republicans to Obama, or Democrats to McCain, reflects a pivotal moment in our country's political psyche that will redefine the two party system as we've known it in the last century. Voters no longer feel compelled to mindlessly follow the dictates of one or the other party machines and are searching to identify with causes, values, ideals and beliefs that are reflective of our society in the 21st century. Because of the rapidly accelerating changes (some good, some bad) in our economy, national security, social, racial, and ethnic values, the timing is perfect for the emergence of an Obama "movement" that eclipses Obama "the candidate". Obama is a great orator and charasmatic politician with an equally inspiring life story, but what he has really done is put words and a face to beliefs that are deeply rooted in the American experience.

I don't believe his appeal is solely a reflection of the dissatisfaction with the Bush administrations policies or conversely a vote in favor of Obama's policies, but will be a conscious "leap of faith" by the electorate that happens once in a lifetime. Republican or Democrat, pause for a moment and think of the potential for dramatically redefining how our country reflects the will of the people. Through my vote, I hope to be part of that movement.

At July 13, 2008 at 10:36 PM , Blogger Pauly said...

Wow, great perspective and articulation Bob. Thanks for sharing.


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