Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pat Riley is my uncle

When I was in sixth grade I would tell the foxy older ladies (7th and 8th graders) that the head coach of the Lakers, Pat Riley, was my uncle. This was 1988 when the Lakers were on top of the world and "Riles" was just as famous as Magic Johnson. I told a few older girls that Pat Riley was my uncle and word quickly spread about my "famous" relative. A few days later in P.E. class, about half-way up agony hill, it occurred to me: I might gain recognition and attention in the short-run, but I was doomed in the long run. All thoughts of making out with mature women behind the backstop would be ruined once they found out the truth. Yet, I persisted in repeating this lie for a few more days until Sunny confronted me in the chocolate-chip cookie line. I was embarrassed and ashamed of my youthful shenanigans and promised I would no longer lie to get attention.
Now, I was 12 at the time so perhaps my lie was understandable, but I can't help but wonder how my life would be if had given a different answer as to why I had lied. If only I looked in Sunny's eyes and angrily claimed I mispoke and huffed off perhaps I could be a presidential candidate today!
Who else but H.R.C. could claim REPEATEDLY in speeches that her life was in danger as she dodged sniper fire in Bosnia. The stories of running for her life with her head down and speeding to the base. But the real question is why did she lie? What did she have to gain?
I lied for the same reason all guys lie, to get attention from girls. Hillary lied to support a lie. If she is "ready from day one", has "35 years of experience", and was "vitally involved in foreign policy", etc. she must produce evidence of her experience. She cannot so she does what the Clintons do best, lie. She lied because she did not think she would get caught. She lied because the press never called out her husband on his multiple lies when he ran for president. What Hillary does not realize is the playbook form the 90's does not work in 2008. Hillary has more excuses for this one than O.J. (1st reference to the juice). She "mispoke", was "tired", was "sleep-deprived", was getting a burger with Kato, or chipping golf balls with A.C. (whoops-old habit). The only problem with this answer is that Hillary told this lie multiple times over a period of ten months. She desperately wanted to be seen as brave, tough and independent woman. The irony is she could have been all of things, if she only did one thing, divorce Bill.


At March 30, 2008 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

Every election has these things that pop up. You never know what they are gonna be but things like this always happen. From Bob Dole falling off the stage in Chico, and Dukakis in the tank, and many others....this one was classic.

So how did Sunny find out? BTW did you know that my high school classmate Julie Westhead's dad is Paul Westhead? The guy before Riley?

At March 31, 2008 at 9:20 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

That was a classic lie, Matt. And, also one that did not hurt anyone. Well, maybe your credibility. But, innocent nonetheless. Good deal of creativity. As for Hillary, I suppose that her lie didn't hurt anyone either, but again it affected her credibility. Lie upon lie does tend to cast dispursions on her character and that is such a major issue when you are running for President. I certainly call into question her abiity to lead the country based upon her willingness to "bend the truth" to whatever advantage she can. I completely agree with you about the point of our having respect for her courage, had she divorced Slick Willie after his multiple indiscretions. However, that would have meant that she would have had to run based on her own abilities. Do you think that Obama is running based on Michelle's record? Heck, no, and neither should Hillary be considered based on her spouse's abilities. Get on with the primaries and be done with the old hag with not very well hidden tactics or agendas.

Great reading your blog!

At April 2, 2008 at 10:21 AM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Your Pat Riley story is classic and one I had not heard before. Who was Sunny?

Hildabeast is gasping for air right now. She will do ANYTHING to crawl back into, what up until now has been the "safe haven" of the drive-by media. She just cannot believe that they have turned on her. now she is comparing herself to Rocky Balboa. In a recent speech she said "to end her campaign now would be as if Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, well, I guess that's about far enough." PLEASE!! Her free passes and lies have finally caught up to her and people are saying enough is enough. NO MORE CLINTONS!!!


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