Today President Bush comes out and agrees to a "general time horizon" to withdraw troops from Iraq. This is the kind of newspeak nonsense that drives me into the cooly anaylitical arms of Obama. The rabid supporters of Bush who still think the war in Iraq is a good idea (now going on two years longer than W.W. II) cling to the idea that "timetables" are bad and suggest that the U.S. leaving Iraq is "cutting and running." So, since Bush cannot say "timetable" he instead agrees to a "general time horizon." I am happy that Bush wants to begin the inevitable withdrawl process but his use of language is only meant to fool third graders and residents of West Virgina.
Remember why we invaded Iraq:
1. Weapons of mass destruction
2. Saddam is an evil, brutal dictator
3. Spread democracy in the middle east
Six years later:
1. No weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq
2. Saddam is killed
3. Sporadic voting in various regions, over 90% of Iraqis want the U.S. to go home.
If we came to install democracy in the middle east and 90% of Iraqis want us to go home than we must set a TIMETABLE for withdraw. We can play games with words and blame other people but we all know the troops must come home. Obama does not play silly word games or engage in juvenile "gotcha" politics. He knows, just as over 70% of Americans know, it is time to come home!
BTW Watch generation kill on HBO on Sunday nights. I picked up the book and highly recommend it. This book, along with MY WAR, by Colby Buzzel are the two best books I have read on Gulf War II.