Wednesday, September 3, 2008

For all who wondered how Obama could attend a Church with such "anti-American" views I ask you are you not troubled by your V.P. pick?

It has now come out that Palin's husband was REGISTERED as an Alaskan Independence party member from 1995-2002. This extremely radical party had the stated goal of seceding from the United States of America! How could McCain's V.P. be married to such a radical? How could she stand with a man who is so full of bitterness and anger towards our country that he advocates secession? This party, the A.I.P. was founded by Joe Vogler who is quoted on his party's website as saying, "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." This sounds like pastor Wright too me! I wonder if Hannity will be endlessly talking about this and rerunning this juicy soundbite? Mr. and Mrs Palin attend this party's CONVENTION in 1994 and told the A.I.P. party "keep up the good work" a mere six months ago. She has cheered on this rabid group of America haters as they have pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from the union. If you were troubled by the comments that Obama's pastor made, a man he saw for one hour per week, how could you not be troubled by Palins anti-American husband? Or is it possible that right-wing radio/Television have managed to manipulate you into of frenzy of anger over a non-issue? Hmnnnn........very troubling indeed.


At September 5, 2008 at 6:25 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

Matt, nice analogy between Obama's pastor and Palin's husband. You go, guy!


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