Friday, October 3, 2008

The wink of desperation

John McCain is running on a slogan of country first. We all love John McCain for his service and sacrifice over forty years ago in the Vietnam war. He has written three books, appeared on countless T.V. shows, made two runs for President, is a weekly caller to talk radio, has sold his military story to a Hollywood studio, married a millionaire heiress who used her fathers money to finance his first run for congress, so we all know that John McCain is an extremely ambitious man. He ran a clean campaign in 2000 against W and was clobbered in the South and admitted the many times he lied to get votes. (he is on the record saying he only supported the confederate flag being flown to curry favor with South Carolina whites) So McCain has built his entire Presidential run in 2008 saying he puts "country first." But is his selection of Sarah "you betcha" Palin really putting the country first?
Think about it this way: When a man who is in his fifties or sixties realizes that he will not live forever he establishes a family trust to give his children and grandchildren the best life possible. All men at some point realize they are mortal and the wise and prudent thing to do is to appoint an executor of your family trust who is smart, capable and knowledgeable. In terms of Presidential politics you pick your V.P. because you feel he or she is qualified to step in and execute the duties of the President. Call me crazy, but I want a serious, studious person with a depth of knowledge who can properly execute the office. We have a 72 year-old candidate who picked a governor who represented less people in her state than when Obama did when he was a state senator. This pick was a selfish, desperate move by McCain to turn out the lunatic fringe. If McCain wins, and God forbid something happens to him, this winking clown would be President. I honestly do not know how any INTELLECTUAL person could possibly think this woman is qualified to be President. I am curious as to what all the Republicans think of the real conservatives who have publicly come out against Palin and said she is unqualified. Why would McCain put the country in this position? He did it because he is desperate to win. People claim they like Palin because "she is just like me." I do not someone who is just like me to become one heartbeat away from the Presidency. I want an intellectual man or woman who has spent a lifetime thinking, debating, and examining their positions. I do not want a V.P. who thinks that if they smile and wink when they repeat empty slogans than they are doing a good job. I had a good friend call me today, a life-long Republican, who told me today he is voting for Obama. I asked him what put him in Obama's camp and he said he was appalled at Palin's vocabulary and how the Republicans were spinning her idiocy as "folksiness." I respected his honest opinion and I feel that many people felt the exact same way.


At October 3, 2008 at 8:42 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

It makes me a little bit ill when I consider that not many Republicans can win in today's climate without appealing to the Evangelicals. These are a massive group of voters that will not EVER vote for anyone who is pro-life, and tolerant of gays. A decent VP choice like a Tom Ridge, or even better Joe Liberman is off the table because those two are pro-choice. My perfect candidate Rudy Guliani can't get the nomination because he is pro-choice, and had a roomate that happened to be gay about 10 years ago.

So where does that put us? You have a man like John McCain, who I have ENORMOUS respect for, and is not an evangelical who talks about speaking to invisible ghosts (praying)

Like Matt said he got creamed by W in 2000 because of the SC push polling and ruthless here he is 8 years later and to get the nomination, he had to swallow hard and meet with the carnival barkers like Robertson, Falwell, and Dobson.....he had to talk about how a VC guard drew a cross in the dirt when he was in his cell, etc.

And finally he had to choose this joke of a VP nomination, because she is a strong evangelical who is staunchly pro-life.....So this seriously turns me off, someone who has a basic belief in limited government and lower taxes....but is a social progressive liberal.....

My perfect candidates are McCain, Guilani, Powell, Lieberman...etc.....But I don't think those guys can get the nomination w/o catering to the evangelicals......

There are a couple strong christian friends that I know who believe that it is not the role of the church to tell people who to vote for...sadly though their flavor of christianity is most definitely not the mainstream. So unfortunately my party is being hijacked......Palin is the VP......and I am seriously teteering folks....I'm teteering.

At October 6, 2008 at 10:14 AM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I am so glad that you pointed out what an honest and well respected writer Peggy Noonan is. I couldn't agree with you more. I would encourage all to check out the piece she wrote with regard to her opinion on Gov. Sarah Palin in yesterdays editorial section of the Orange County Register. I could not have said it better myself. Love ya, Susan

At October 12, 2008 at 10:32 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

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At October 12, 2008 at 10:41 AM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

I will repeat myself: There were soooo many more qualified men and women within the Republican party, even out of (Lieberman) who could have been chosen to run for VP. I am sorely disappointed in the GOP for their choice. Her folksy "rhetoric" is off-putting to me. I don't doubt that she is a smart, effective woman, but not the caliber (yet) for the VP position. Now, Romney would have been a capable candidate and a gutsy decision. However, we are left with the chosen VP and I for one am sad. What makes me even sadder is that bitter, prejudiced seemingly moral, intelligent politicians and other people would even consider making comments that Obama is an Arab (NOT), closet terrorist or somehow a purveyor of subversiveness in America. I applaud McCain for perservering to quell the misinformation. It is a moral act on his part.

Obama is just as true a patriot as anyone else. Patriotism comes in many different forms, not just in fighting for your country or defending it during war or aggression. For example, some young men (and early on women) chose to serve overseas in the Vietnam war. Does that make them anymore a patriot than a serviceperson who served stateside? I think not. As a team, everyone did their part, just like the men and women who remained home during WW2 did their part stateside to keep America running and sustained.

It is time that we spoke the truth, supported each other, had honest non-emotionally charged discussions and disagreements. Open, honest, constructive communication is the key to solving the national mess we are in. More BALANCE of power among congress, the justice department and the president is what our founding fathers intended when they wrote the constitution. Less big government and more private initiatives and support to improve this great country is what we need. May the man best suited to lead our great nation win. I know for whom I am voting! Love, Denise


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