Thursday, October 2, 2008

Push polls

"If you knew that John McCain had a black baby would you be more or less likely to vote for him?" It was this exact phone call that was made all over South Carolina in 2000 that torpedoed John McCains candidacy for President of the United States. The Bush operative in charge of these despicable calls, a member of Bush's paid staff, Tucker Eskew, was responsible for this horrible, racist smear on John McCain. McCain was so furious at the Bush team that he went on the record and said Tucker Eskew, "has a special place in hell awaiting him in the next world. " The McCain family adopted a young girl from Indonesia and were raising her in Arizona. This kind and decent act was re-payed to him with members of his own party who used this adoption to beat his brains out in South Carolina primary as Bush went on to win the state by 24 points. McCain was so angry, and rightly so, that he refused to speak with Bush for weeks and seriously considered the idea of running with John Kerry in 04. After being a victim of this racist assault just what does McCain do when he decides to run again in 2008? He goes out and hires Tucker Eskew! I guess hell will have to wait. As McCain emerged as the front-runner in the 08 race, thanks to the Huckester and Romney splitting the evangelical base, he became an increasingly desperate 72 year-old man. McCain began to shrewdly manipulate and use his image as a war hero (allowing pictures of him as a p.o.w. to be used for the first time) to change course and grasp at the elusive last straw, victory. McCain shifted his tactics, kissed his integrity goodbye, put his finger up to gauge the wind, and went deep down in to the Bush white house to hire people who eight years ago buried him and danced on his political grave.
With the dark forces of politics at his back McCain abandoned his core beliefs and went on the attack against Obama. He has repeatedly smeared him, questioned his intelligence and mocked him. He crafted the slogan country first, becoming the first nominee ever to imply his opponent is not a patriot. He hired A-list political operatives who crafted images that mocked Obamas popularity, tried to make an issue of lipstick on a pig, and told us Obama wanted sex education for kindergarteners. Why would McCain do this? Because the American people believe that these people are the "best" at what they do because it works. These are the same people that thought Jonnie Cochran was a good lawyer because what he did worked and a double-murderer is on the golf course. These people have become so steeped in greed and Social Darwinism that they no longer distinguish between integrity and achieving. All that matters is winning the election. Lincoln Chafee, the former GOP senator, who with McCain voted against Bush's tax cuts and drilling in Alaska, has said about the new McCain, "he made a pact with the devil." He has said, "sadly, sadly it is McCain who has flip-flopped, McCain is putting himself first."
It reminds me of the famous line:

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?
Mark 8:36


At October 2, 2008 at 11:19 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Whoa!!!! I guess the gloves are off. I thought the Presidential political blogs were suppose to be about issues and NOT attacking the candidate that one doesn't support. Obviously the playing field has changed. Word of advise................stay away from the coolaid. Love ya, Susan

At October 3, 2008 at 12:32 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

What have I written that is an attack? I am simply reporting facts, not smears. Word of advice......look at the facts.

At October 3, 2008 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Back at ya. Love ya, Susan


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