Friday, October 10, 2008

Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli

So ends the once proud political career of John McCain as he gives in to a sickening display of smearing Obama and engaging in guilt-by-association tactics. A man who promised to campaign with honor and dignity has become a mere shadow of of the once honorable man who ran a clean campaign in 2000. The smear tactics have the intellectual equivalent of a sixth grader spreading rumors about his teacher. It is unbelievable how low McCain has gone in his desperate bid to become president of the United States. He did not have the courage to attack Bush after the Bush campaign launched a vicious smear against his own family but he blames Obama for an attack that was launched when Obama was eight years old. I remember how all the conservatives were so outraged when Arnold was smeared in the L.A. times because his father was a member of the NAZI party. For all of you readers who are "scared" by Obama because of this Ayers nonsense I have a few things for you to consider:

All of us, and I mean all of us, have associated with people who have committed horrible crimes against humanity. If you do not have the moral courage to admit this to yourself than I would remind you that we associated and socialized with child-molesters for years. If you find this outrageous that associating with a child-molester could possibly reflect my character than I would encourage you to buy a dictionary and look up the word hypocrisy. As we have seen by the sickening blood-thirsty crowds at McCains rallies words do indeed have an impact. People are now calling Obama a terrorist, shouting out for him to be killed, and a woman today said she did not trust him because he was an Arab. So what can you do? Call, e-mail, or write the McCain campaign and tell him to stop slandering Obama. I wonder, for all of my Christian readers, what would Jesus think? Please have the intellectual honesty and integrity to be honest with yourself and stop the vicious lies and character slander. Who have you associated with that can be used against you? Very troubling...........
P.S. I encourage you to go back and read The Crucible.


At October 10, 2008 at 8:03 PM , Blogger Garrett said...

It's politics Matt, McCain is just following the playbook of "what you do when you run against Barack Obama"

You bring up Rezko and Ayers...

Hillary did it, in fact Obama's fellow democrat gave McCain the playbook!

McCain is now doing it, so would any other candidate who would have run against him.

It's not personal Sonny, it's strictly business.

I'm at the point where I just don't get as passionate about it as you. You really defend Obama.

What is so interesting about this whole process, is that at the end of this election (which Obama will most likely win if the economy keeps going the way it has been going) Obama and McCain will heap praise on one another, as will Biden and Palin. And all will be forgiven.

At October 10, 2008 at 8:15 PM , Blogger dole2obama said...

Big guy-
I guess I just lose my head when people shout out death threats at a political rallies. Thanks for reminding me it is just politics as usual. Please send me references from the Gore/Kerry campaigns when members of the audience were calling for blood. It is not politics as usual to call your opponent a "friend of a terrorist" and to get booed for calling your opponent a decent man. McCain has unleashed some very dark impulses in his crowd. BTW-Would it change your mind if I told you Obama is going to sworn in on the Koran which will be held by a gay baby? Yes, a gay baby, very troubling.....

At October 10, 2008 at 8:28 PM , Blogger Garrett said...


Everyone of those people in that rally who shouted out those things made me sick. When Sarah Palin said that "Obama Pals around with terrorists, (right in front of Susan BTW) that made me very sick as well. Politics can bring out the worst in people, especially the "proles" or people who are dissapointed in their own lives and just want to grab onto something to hate.

I can think of a couple instances when radical left wing people said crazy stuff...
1. The 3 lunatics who were disrupting McCains acceptance speech
2. The radicals that surrounded the fox news reporter and were whipped up into a mob-like frenzy outside the DNC.

People booed Gore/Kerry when they brought up their competition too.

You may though have a point that this time is "different" and I think what may make it different is the fact that these people are bats&^% crazy by the fact that a black man will be their next president. That is why the one guy said, "I look at him, and I don't like him" and the lady said, "He's an Arab"

So politics at the same time makes me feel, inspired, angry, sick to my stomach, etc...maybe that's why it's so interesting.

At October 12, 2008 at 1:58 PM , Blogger Grandma Dee said...

As you all know I can weigh in with "the guilt by association" argument. I have mixed socially with murderers, convicted (yay) felons, child molesters, illegal drug users, porn addicts, the president of the Black Panthers, the president of the John Birch Society, etc.

I consider myself to be ethical, reliable, faithful, patriotic and my most prized attribute is my integrity. "Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone."


At October 13, 2008 at 12:42 PM , Blogger Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

I have always been amazed and pleased at the same time what emotion and passion comes out in people every 4 years when we elect a President. The passion really comes out when people are not voting for the same candidate which is the case we have. But I believe we need to respectably agree to disagree. Which is the case I have with this post.

Most sides have attacked one another. Joe Biden even called one of Obama's ads with regard to McCain being ignorant about computer's and technolgy, "terrible". I guess he forgot the McCain's war injuries keep him from be able to use a computer. Unfortunately every Presidential campaign that I can remember has both sides slamming the other. Unfortunately, politics as usual. With regard to the people at the recent McCain/Palin rally's yelling and screaming hateful thing's. I know you are not going to believe this but word is coming out now that in some of the rally's the people yelling vicious thing's were actually Democratics pretending to be Republicans. I have been to many, many rally's over the past several years and anyone can get in so this doesn't surprise me. I am sure you haven't heard those reports as the MSM's won't report it. Nothing surprises me in this very heated campaign with 3 weeks to go. So the attacks will continue and probably get worse on both sides.

The Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn situation does matter. It is one thing if you hang out with someone that you are unaware of their background. But to sit on 2 boards, have a "meet the candidate" at Ayers home when Obama was running for his initial seat in the Ill. Senate and accept a $200.00 contribution to Obamas campaign is amazing. While Obama was only 8 when Ayers/Dohrn and their terrorists groups were setting off bombs in the U.S. he knew when he met him who he was. That being an unrepentant terrorist who set off 25 bombs in this country. The only reason they never went to jail is, sadly because of prosecutorial misconduct. And after the worst attack on our country on Sept. 11, 2001 Ayers told a N.Y. Times reporter that "he wished his group would have done more". I'm sorry but I wouldn't want to be any where near someone like that.

Your other point was that we have all associated at some time in our life with child molestors, people who have committed crimes against humanity and other unscrupulous people. Dennis and I were at Grandmas for dinner last night with Grandma and Sandy.
We all started talking about this very subject and asked one another if we have ever associated with any of the people that you mentioned in this blog. We gave it alot of thought and the closest thing we could come up with (which isn't that close) was a minister that was at the church we attented when we first moved to Calif. He left our church after many years and moved to Ventura. We heard about a year later that he was arrested for child molestation in Ventura. To this day we don't know if he was molesting anyone at our church. However if we had known what he was doing we would have distance ourselves from him in a heart beat. That is what makes it so hard to understand why someone would associate themselves knowing what crimes a person has committed.
I know that you mentioned in your latest blog that some Republicans sit on the same board as the unrepentant militant radical, Bill Ayers. My feeling is the same towards them as it is towards Obama. Surround yourselves with good people and Ayers is not one of them. Love ya, Susan


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